Saturday, November 03, 2007

Thoughts on $100 Laptop

I was in bombay the other day, and i wanted to do one thing that i havent for over 5 yrs..... eat a wada paav....

So there i am, at this roadside wada paav stall. i almost asked this guy to make me a wada paav, and then the mobile goes off....not mine.... the wada paav guy's..... he removes a nice flashy mobile phone (which supports mp3 ringtones) from his pocket, and speaks for a good five minutes......
There i am completely irritated by this guy, wondering why mobile phones have become cheap. After five minutes, i get my wada paav... and while im eating it.... my mind cooled off... and i figured.... its a good thing that mobiles are cheap now.... everyone can afford one... and stay in touch.... thats the whole point of these nokia's isnt it..... Connecting PPL!

Then another 15 seconds passed by, and i realised something which is probably there somewhere future.... all because of the $100 Laptop.

Imagine this.... 10yrs from now.... owning a laptop will be like owning a tubelight.... infact... it shouldnt be shocking if a person has more than one laptop...... even the wada paav guy....

If you are able to picture that... then its not hard to see, free wifi all over india... an operating system thats got hindi as an option etc etc....

with all this commin up....maybe after 10 yrs... i'll have to wait a little longer for my wada paav... because the wada paav guy is having a video/voice chat with his family in some remote village in maharashtra....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.